
Providing a step up with education for everyone


  • Redesign a website
  • Brand refresh and revitalization


  • Web Design
  • Information Architecture
  • Front-end Development
  • Technical Direction


  • Sanity
  • Next.js
  • Vercel

Momentum provides people from all walks of life with job skills and opportunities that they might not find elsewhere. As the organization has grown, so have the needs of their website. Treating their program and course types like pages had become time-consuming and disorganized, and it was time for a refresh.

We suggested that Momentum build their site using two content management instances, built on Sanity. This would allow their marketing teams and teaching teams to occupy two separate spaces while both affecting the website in their own unique ways.

Screenshots of homepage

Modelling a new approach

It was essential to understand Momentum’s needs from a data modeling perspective as we structured the site. We audited Momentum’s content and helped them organize the structures of their various courses and programs into sturdy content models, so instead of creating a page to contain their programs, they instead could create a Program, which generates a page based on structured data.

Minimum viable approaches for the present, while preparing for the future

While building their site, Momentum had several other projects on the go which we needed to consider. An eventual client relationship management (CRM) rollout required that we consider how the new course signup forms we were building would eventually need to be phased out. All things on the web are temporary in their own way, but it’s a unique challenge when you know that a feature may only be functional for a year (or even a few months) before it needs to be phased out. For this reason, we consciously architected a simple system that could easily be phased out when the new CRM was launched.